
4. This screen allows you to choose the items displayed on the third line
left and right of the main display screen. The process temperature
and output 1 value (in mA or %) are always shown on line 2 of the
main display. This screen allows you to make the following choices:
Lower Left of Main Display Lower Right of Main Display
• AL 1 (alarm 1 setpoint - no units shown) • AL 2 (alarm 2 setpoint - no units shown)
• AL 3 (alarm 3 setpoint - no units shown) • AL 3 (alarm 3 setpoint - no units shown)
• In (sensor mV input) • In (sensor mV input)
• GI (glass impedance in Megohms) • RI (reference impedance in Kohms)
• RO (reference offset in mV) • Out 2 (Output 2 value in mA or %)
• Slp (slope of glass in mV/pH - • Blank (nothing displayed in lower right)
no units shown)
• Blank (nothing displayed in lower left)
The "Display contrast" selection allows the display to be made lighter
or darker. Entry 0 is the lightest and 9 is the darkest. The display
changes as the number is changed.
To change any of these items, use the arrow key to highlight the
desired item and press Edit 4. Use the arrow keys to make the
change and press Save 4 to enter the change into memory. Press
Esc 3 to abort.
5. The timeout feature works on both the display and simulated tests
using the current outputs and alarm relays.
The display timeout will return the display to the main display screen
(from any other screen) if no key is pressed before the timeout value.
This is useful because the main display screen is usually the most
important screen to the operator.
The timeout feature also allows simulating the current output and
alarm actions with an automatic return to normal operation. When the
feature is turned on (the default), simulated tests (see Section 5.4 for
details) will be completed automatically when the timeout value is
As before, to change these settings, use the arrow key to highlight the
desired item and press Edit 4. Use the arrow keys to make the
change and press Save 4 to enter the change into memory. Press
Esc 3 to abort.
The Timeout Value is also used by the controller to acti-
vate security (Section 7.1). After unlocking the controller
by entering a security code, security is not re-activated
unless a display timeout occurs. If Timeout has been
turned off here, security will never re-activate.
Display left: AL1
Display right: AL2
Display contrast: 5
Exit Edit
Display left: AL1
Display right: AL2
Display contrast: 5
Esc Save
Display contrast: 5
Timeout: On
Timeout Value: 10 min
Exit Edit