
Alarm Control Parameters
Alarm Setup Parameters
(for Normal Alarms only)
3. Menu Item Options
Activation Method Process/Temperature
Control Mode Normal/TPC
Alarms 1, 2, and 3 can each be configured with the options above.
The default options are that all three alarms are Process (pH or
ORP/Redox), and Normal (not TPC). This is a common configura-
tion and may not require changes. If no changes are desired, skip to
step 4a.
To make changes in these parameters, highlight the desired menu
header and press Enter 4. The value now being used is displayed
and the F4 key can now be pressed to Edit the item. Once Edit has
been pressed, change the item as needed and then press Save 4 to
store the value. Repeat for the other output and/or items as needed.
4a. Menu Item Options
Alarm (action) Low/High/Off
Setpoint -1400 to1400 mV, -2.00 to 20.00 pH, 0 to 200°C.
Hysteresis -2.00 to 20.00 pH, 0 to 10°C.
Delay 0-99 sec
Relay default None/Close/Open
These parameters can be adjusted by highlighting the desired item
and pressing the Edit 4 key. Once Edit has been pressed, change
the item as needed and then press Save 4 to store the value.
"Alarm action" determines whether alarm will activate when the
reading exceeds the setpoint (high alarm) or when it drops below the
setpoint (low action). It can also be turned off (i.e. not used).
"Hysteresis" is a deadband that prevents deactivating a relay until
the reading has dropped below the setpoint minus the hysteresis
amount (high alarm example).
"Delay" will delay activation (and deactivation) of the relay for a cer-
tain number of seconds. Larger delays can reduce relay chatter.
"Relay Default" determines how the relay will act if there is a fault or
hold condition. Each alarm can be forced on (Close), off (Open) or
can remain unchanged (None). The factory configuration is "None".
Activation Method
Control Mode
Exit Enter
Activate: Process
Exit Edit
Alarm: Low
Setpoint: 0.01 pH
Delay: 0 sec
Exit Enter
Hysteresis: 0.01 pH
Delay: 0 sec
Relay Default: None
Exit Enter