
Using the Command and Response Table
Symbols (parameters), defined below, are used throughout the Command and Response
Table for MSVPP Commands, which begins on page 60. The symbols represent variables
in the command/response table fields. Letters in the command field are not case-sensitive.
Hexadecimal equivalent are not necessary for the MSVPP command set, with the possible
exception of the carriage return character (0x0D) and the line return chararacter (0x0A).
Symbol Definitions
] = CR/LF (carriage return/line feed)
} = Carriage return (no line feed)
= Space (hard) character
X! = Folder name Name of a DCP folder (such as “
X@ = Clip name Name of a clip file (such as “
X# = Output (channel) 1 = channel 1 2 = channel 2 1,2 = both channels
X$ = Playlist name Name of a playlist file (such as “Canyon documentary.espl.xml”)
NOTE: For the clip name (
) and playlist name (
), the name that you enter must include the file extension (“cpl.xml” for a clip or
“espl.xml” for a playlist) to be valid. If you try to enter a name without the file extension, the media player responds with ERROR.
X% = Playlist position Sequential postion of a clip in a playlist
X^ = Play speed Speed at which to play video, where:
1.0 is normal speed, 2.0 is 2x normal speed, and so on
A positive value (+) is forward video (+ is assumed if no direction is specified)
A negative value (–) is reverse video
Fractional speeds are rounded up or down to the 3rd decimal place (0.000)
X& = Frame count for advance command Number of video frames to jump forward or backward, where:
A positive value (+) is forward (+ is assumed if no direction is specified)
A negative value (–) is reverse
X* = Frame count for seek and assorted timecode commands nn:nn:nn:nn (“hour”:”minute”:”second”:”frame”)
X( = Property name “PlayAt“, “StartTime“, “StopTime“, or “TimecodeMode”
NOTE: All names, file names, clip names, and property names, are case sensitive.
X1) = Playlist property value If
= “TimecodeMode“:
= “Disabled“, “Generate“, or “Receive”
= “PlayAt“, “StartTime“,
or “StopTime“:
= nn:nn:nn:nn (hours:minutes:seconds:frame)
= “Path“:
= the path to the playlist file (an empty character if the file is in the
root playlist folder)
X1! = Timecode mode “timecodeGenerate“ or “timecodeReceive”
X1@ = Timecode receive mode setting “chase“ or “trigger”
X1# = On/off (audio mute, loop, input trigger) 0 = off or 1 = on
X1$ = Video mode “1_channel”, “2_channel”, or “2_channel_locked”
X1% = Video output video.hdsdi = HD-SDI output video (channel 1 and channel 2)
ch1.video.dac = channel 1 analog video
ch1.video.dvi = channel 1 digital video
ch2.video.dac = channel 2 analog video
ch2.video.dvi = channel 2 digital video
X1^ = Colorspace
“rgb” or “yprpb•bt.709”
X1& = Color value 000 (none) through 255 (maximum)
X1* = Alpha blend 000 through 255
X1( = Time 0.00 (seconds) though 255.0
X2) = Genlock mode “master“, “esgen“, “esgenlegacy“, “blackburst_ntsc“, “blackburst_pal“,
NOTE: “esgen“ is sync slaved to the proprietary Electrosonic ESGen sync.
“esgen_legacy“ is sync slaved to the proprietary Electrosonic ESGen sync (native to older products, such as the MS9200).
“master“ is ESGEN sync output as a master.
“trisynch” is HDTV tri-level sync.
JMP 9600 Media Player • Programming Guide 58