Weather Radio
Shortcuts Menu
Radio Page with
Weather Radio on
The Weather Radio can be turned on and off through the Shortcuts Menu or the Option
Menu in the Radio Page. You may also enable Weather Alerts from the Radio Page. Refer to the
Radio Page section for complete information about the Weather Radio and Weather Alert.
To turn the Weather Radio on and off:
1. Open the Radio Page by pressing the PAGE button or using the on-screen Main Page Menu
button .
2. Use the
THUMB STICK to highlight the Option Menu on-screen button and then press
the THUMB STICK IN to display the menu.
3. When ‘Use Weather Radio’ is highlighted, press the
THUMB STICK IN to turn on the
Weather Radio. You can select ‘Enable Weather Radio’ after the Weather Radio is on.
4. To turn the Weather Radio off, press the
THUMB STICK IN when ‘Use FRS/GMRS Radio’ is
highlighted. This will switch the Rino 130 back over to the FRS/GMRS radio.
NOTE: You can also turn on and off the Weather Radio through the Shortcuts Menu.
Press and hold the THUMB STICK IN to open the Shortcuts Menu.
When the Weather Radio is on, ‘Enable Weather Alert’ is added at the bottom of the option
menu. Press the THUMB STICK IN when ‘Enable Weather Alert’ is highlighted to turn the
feature on. You can then turn the Weather Radio off and continue normal FRS/GMRS radio
operations. When a Weather Alert is detected, the Rino 130 will break into any FRS/GMRS
transmission to automatically turn on the Weather Radio and broadcast that alert. Select ‘Dis-
able Weather Alert’ to turn off that feature.