
Routes Page
To review or remove a route point:
1. Select the Route from the Routes List. Press the THUMB STICK IN to display the Route
2. Use the
THUMB STICK to highlight the desired route and press IN to display the Route
3. Use the
THUMB STICK to move the map panning arrow to the point you want to review
and press IN.
Select ‘Review’ or ‘Remove’ and press IN again to either display the Information Page or
remove it from the route.
Select ‘Next’ and press IN again to view the next waypoint.
Navigating a Route
A Route can be navigated using the Map Page or the Navigation Page. The Map Page dis-
plays your movement, the route line, and waypoints on the route. The Navigation Page shows
compass direction and a bearing pointer.
To navigate a route:
1. Select a route from the Routes List and then press the THUMB STICK IN.
2. Highlight the on-screen ‘Navigate’ button at the bottom of the page and then press the
THUMB STICK IN to begin navigating the route. The screen changes to the Navigation
3. Move to the Map Page to view the route and your current location.
4. Begin moving, watching directional information on the Navigation Page or your progress on
the Map Page.
Route Navigation