
Satellite Page
Use With GPS Off - Use this option when you are indoors, your view of the sky is obstructed,
or you want to save battery power. You can enter data, create routes, etc., but cannot navigate
in this mode.
Track Up/North Up - You can orient the satellite skyview by selecting ‘Track Up’ (your direc-
tion of travel) or ‘North Up’ (the satellite skyview oriented to the north).
New Location - If you are more than 600 miles (from where you last used the unit), select the
‘New Location’ and then the ‘Use Map’ options to approximate your location. This gives the
unit reference information and speeds satellite acquisition.
To select the ‘Use With GPS Off’ option:
1. Use the THUMB STICK to highlight the Option Menu button at the top of the page
and then press it IN.
2. Use the
THUMB STICK to highlight the ‘Use With GPS Off’ option and then press it IN.
The Rino 130 stops tracking satellites and should not be used for navigation. However, the
next time you turn the unit on, it returns to Normal GPS operation.
To select ‘Track Up’ or ‘North Up’:
1. Use the THUMB STICK to highlight the Option Menu button at the top of the page
and then press it IN to display the Option Menu.
2. Highlight either the ‘Track Up’ or ‘North Up’ option (depending on which is currently in use),
and press the THUMB STICK IN to activate.
Satellite Page Option Menu