ORCA-IV Image Transfer Laminator Operation Manual
© GBC Pro-Tech 1998 October
A word about international shipments: As these are
heavy pieces of equipment, GBC Pro-Tech takes every
precaution to ensure that our image transfer lamina-
tors are properly crated to the highest standards.
Before machines leave our loading dock, they are pre-
treated with a VCI protective film to provide total cor-
rosion protection. This protective film is wrapped
around the machine and completely sealed. In addition,
moisture absorbing silicone desiccant packs are
packed inside the crate and machine cabinets.
Prior to start up of the machine, you must remove the
desiccant packs from each cabinet and discard. DO
NOT operate the machine with the desiccant packs
inside the cabinets.
Once the ORCA-IV Image Transfer Laminator has
been unpacked and moved into final position perform
the following setup procedure.
Tools required:
" hex wrench
• Adjustable wrench
Setup Procedure
1. Inspect the machine for any obvious shipping dam-
2. Remove the drive and control side cabinet covers
with the
" hex wrench by removing the screws
securing the covers to the machine. Lift the covers
3. Inspect all the bolts and tighten any that were loos-
ened during shipping.
4. Have a certified electrician wire the machine
directly to a power source.
5. Connect the machine to the air supply.
6. Replace all cabinet covers.
Tools required:
• Adjustable wrench
• Carpenter's level (or equivalent)
To level the laminator:
1. Install the four level pads (included in the acces-
sory pack) on the ends of the foot bolts.
2. Remove the rear idler so that you can place a car-
petner’s level across the pull roll to the bottom
main roll.
Figure 2-7: Leveling Front to Rear
3. Level this side of the machine front to rear, raising
or lowering the leveling pads by adjusting the nuts
on the foot bolts.
4. Move the level to the other side of the machine and
level front to rear.
5. Place the level directly on the chrome tie bar below
the pull rolls and level the back of the machine side
to side.