ORCA-IV Image Transfer Laminator Operation Manual
© GBC Pro-Tech 1998 October
Do not operate the image transfer laminator near
water. You can be severely shocked, electrocuted
or cause a fire.
Remove and lockout power from the image
transfer laminator before servicing. You can be
severely shocked, electrocuted or cause a fire.
Do not use liquid or aerosol cleaners on the image
transfer laminator. Do not spill liquid of any kind
on the image transfer laminator. You can be
severely shocked, electrocuted or cause a fire. Use
only a damp cloth for cleaning.
Use only 80% (or stronger) isopropyl alcohol or a
rubber cement eraser to clean the rolls. Harsh
chemicals like toluene, acetone or MEK destroy
the silicone covering of the rolls.
Exercise care when cleaning the rolls with
80% (or stronger) isopropyl alcohol:
• Use only in a well ventilated area.
• Wear rubber gloves.
• Use only on cool rolls.
Cleaning heated rolls can ignite the fumes.
Raise the upper main roll when the image
transfer laminator is not in operation. Prolonged
contact can damage the rolls.
Do not leave the top roll heater on with the roll
raised. Heat builds up in a stationary roll and can
damage it.
Excess pressure can damage the rolls. Always
select the minimum roll pressure necessary to
complete the task.
If silicone adhesive contacts the upper or lower
roll, remove it IMMEDIATELY using 80 %
isopropyl alcohol. It can harden within an hour
and ruin the roll.
The operating environment must be free of dust,
flammable liquids and vapors. You can be
injured by inhaling chemical vapors. Vapor build
up or stored flammable liquids can cause a fire.
Excessive dust can damage the image transfer
Do not use a knife or other sharp instrument
during installation or while servicing the image
transfer laminator. You can cause irreparable
damage to the rolls.