ORCA-IV Image Transfer Laminator Operation Manual
Maintenance and Troubleshooting
© GBC Pro-Tech 1998 October
Tools required:
" hex wrench
• High temperature grease or lithium grease
• Grease gun
• Heavy weight gear oil
•Soft cloth
To lubricate the image transfer laminator:
1. Remove the drive side cabinet cover using the
hex wrench by removing the screws holding the
cover in place.
2. Using the grease gun, lubricate each grease fitting
(shown in Figure 4-1) with one squirt of high tem-
perature grease.
3. Grease the main roll lift pins with high temperature
grease (also shown in Figure 4-1).
4. Using heavy weight gear oil, lubricate the lift
mechanism. On a yearly basis, disassemble and
grease all the levers and pins on the lift mecha-
5. Lubricate the chain using a soft cloth and gear oil.
6. Replace the cabinet covers and reconnect power to
the image transfer laminator.
Disassembly of the laminator should be performed by a
qualified service technician.
Occasionally, the kick cable needs adjustment to prop-
erly reset after use.
Tools required:
• Phillips head screwdriver
To adjust the kick cable:
1. Remove the kick cable cover by unscrewing the
four screws and lifting the cover off.
2. Check the alignment of the internal mechanism. It
should seat squarely against the metal pin.
Figure 4-11: Kick Cable Incorrectly Set -
Mechanism Is Not Square
Figure 4-12: Kick Cable Tripped - Mechanism
Correctly Seated
3. The bolts that hold the switch to the bracket are
slotted and can be used to fine tune the switch
adjustment. Loosen the bolts, tighten them until
snug, make the necessary adjustments, then lock
them down securely.
Do not lubricate the image transfer laminator
when it is hot. You can be burned.
Unplug the image transfer laminator and lockout
power while you are performing this procedure.
You could be severely shocked, electrocuted, or
get your fingers caught in the drive mechanisms.
Mechanism correctly
seated against metal pin.