4-108 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual – September 1998 GFK-0467K
Use the CALL function to cause program execution to go to a specified subroutine block.
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-| CALL ??????? |-
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When the CALL function receives power flow, it causes the scan to go immediately to the
designated subroutine block and execute it. After the subroutine block execution is complete,
control returns to the point in the logic immediately following the CALL instruction.
The following example screen shows the subroutine CALL instruction as it appears in the calling
block. By positioning the cursor within the instruction, you can press F10 to zoom into the
|%I0004 %T0001
|——| |—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————( )—
| ————————————————
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|%I0006 | CALL ASTRO |-
|——| |———————| (SUBROUTINE) |
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| ————————————————
|%I0003 %I0010 %Q0010
|——| |——+——| |—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————( )—
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|%I0001 |
|——| |——+
Micro PLCs do not accommodate subroutines; therefore, the CALL function is
inappropriate for use with a Micro PLC.