4-156 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual – September 1998 GFK-0467K
SVCREQ #15: Read Last-Logged Fault Table Entry
Use SVCREQ function #15 in order to read the last entry logged in either the PLC fault table or the
I/O fault table. The SVCREQ output is set ON unless some number other than 0 or 1 is entered as
the requested operation (see below), or the fault table is empty. (For additional information on fault
table entries, refer to chapter 3, “Fault Explanations and Correction.”)
For this function, the parameter block has a length of 22 words. The input parameter block has this
0 = Read PLC fault table. address
1 = Read I/O fault table.
The format for the output parameter block depends on whether the function reads data from the
PLC fault table or the I/O fault table.
PLC Fault Table Output Format I/O Fault Table Output Format
Low Byte High Byte Low Byte High Byte
0 1
long/short address + 1 long/short
spare address + 2 reference address
PLC fault address address + 3
address + 4 I/O fault address
fault group and action address + 5
error code address + 6 fault group and action
address + 7 fault category fault type
address + 8
fault description
address + 9
address + 10
address + 11
fault specific data address + 12
fault specific data
address + 13
address + 14
address + 15
address + 16
address + 17
address + 18
address + 19
time stamp address + 20 time stamp
address + 21