
4-8 Series 90-30/20/Micro Programmable Controllers Reference Manual September 1998 GFK-0467K
Continuation Coils (———<+>) and Contacts (<+>———)
Continuation coils (—————<+>) and continuation contacts (<+>——) are used to continue relay
ladder rung logic beyond the limit of ten columns. The state of the last executed continuation coil is
the flow state that will be used on the next executed continuation contact. There needs to be a
continuation coil before the logic executes a continuation contact. The state of the continuation
contact is cleared when the PLC transitions from Stop to Run, and there will be no flow unless the
transition coil has been set since going to Run mode.
There can be only one continuation coil and contact per rung; the continuation contact must be in
column 1, and the continuation coil must be in column 10. An example continuation coil and
contact are shown below: