In-Flight Troubleshooting
NOTES: 1. FC installations with a radar indicator can display
stored faults for the current power-on cycle and nine
previous cycles. Installations with radar displayed on
the electronic flight instrument system (EFIS) do not
display stored faults.
2. In FC installation, that use a radar indicator, when the
storage memory is full, the indicator fault storage
deletes the oldest power-onfault codes to make room
for the newest.
3. In EFIS installations, some weather failures are only
annunciated with an amber WX.
4. In EFIS installations, with TEXT FAULTS enabled, the
fault codes are also presented as part of the FAIL
annunciation (e.g., FAIL 13).
Test Mode With TEXT FAULTS Enabled
Upon entering test mode, the most recent fault is displayed, cycling to
the oldest fault in the eligible list of faults. Upon reaching the last fault
an END OF LIST message is displayed. To recycle through the list
again, exit and re-enter TEST mode.