880 Digital Weather Radar System
Honeywell Product Support
8. Honeywell Product Support
The Honeywell SPEX
program for corporate operators provides an
extensive exchange and rental service that complements a worldwide
network of support centers. An inventory of more than 9,000 spare
components assures that the Honeywell equipped aircraft will be
returned to service promptly and economically. This service is available
both during and after warranty.
The aircraft owner/operator is required to ensure that units p rovided
through this program have been approved in accordance with their
specific maintenance requirements.
All articles are returned to Reconditioned Specifications limits when
they are processed through a Honeywell repair facility. All articles are
inspected by quality control personnel to verify proper workmanship
and conformity to Type Design and to c ertify that the article meets all
controlling documentation. Reconditioned Specification criteria are on
file at Honeywell facilities and are available for review. All exchange
units are updated with the latest performance reliability MODs on an
attrition basis while in the repair cycle.
For more information regarding the SPEX program, including
maintenance, pricing, warranty, support, and access to an electronic
copy of the Exchange/Rental Program for Corporate Operators, Pub.
No. A65--8200--001, you can go to the Honeywell web site at: