880 Digital Weather Radar System
Normal Operation
WI--880 Indicator Test Pattern With TEXT FAULT Enabled
Figure 4--3
When Standby is s elected, and the radar is not in dual control mode
(refer to table 2--1, dual control mode truth table, for dual control
operation), the antenna is stowed in a tilt--up position and is neither
scanning nor transmitting.
Standby should be selected when the pilot wants to keep power applied
to the radar without transmitting.
Radar Mode -- Weather
For purposes of weather avoidance, pilots should f amiliarize
themselves with FAA Advisory Circular AC 00--24B (1--20--83).Subject:
“Thunderstorms.” The advisory circular is reproduced in Appendix A of
this guide.
To help the pilot categorize storms as described in the advisory circular
referenced above, the radar receiver gain is calibrated in the WX mode
with the GAIN control in the preset position. The radar is not calibrated
when variable gain is being used, but calibration is restored if RCT,
TRB, or target alert (TGT) is selected.