Data Field Descriptions
76) Continued
RF Transmitter Low Batt. Restore Code
(See notes above)
Sent when a transmitter that previously sent in a “low battery” message
has sent a message indicating it no longer has a low battery condition.
Test Restore Report Code
(See notes above)
Sent when the test mode is exited. A restore code entered here will cause
a restore message to be sent when Test mode is exited.
AUX Function/1-Button Paging
0 = Aux key performs defined function (macro)
1 = Aux key sends predefined message to pager or a
voice message to Follow Me system phone
If “0” is entered, user can define a macro function for the AUX key. See
user manual for description of the use of this key.
If “1” is entered, you must also select an option in field
49. The options
are 6-9 for the pager or 10-13 for the follow me system announcement.
The actual pager message is 999-9999. Note that the hyphen may not be
displayed, depending on the pager service. The manual follow me system
announcement is a repeatable “System, System…..”.
Note: A macro cannot be run from the Test mode.
Pager Characters
Enter up to 16 digits that will appear in front of the 7-
digit pager message.
Enter [#] + [11] for “*”
Enter [#] + [12] for “#”
Enter [#] + [13] for 2-second pause
NOTES: Verify that the pager supports [*] and [#]
characters before using them. Some pagers
require an additional delay [pause] in order to
receive the entire message.
If entered, these digits will appear in front of the 7-digit pager message
sent by the control (either upon a system event or upon pressing the AUX
key [if programmed for paging]), and during latch key report (if enabled
during scheduling). These digits can consist of a PIN number, account
number, pauses or special digits needed by the pager (these types of
characters are not displayed), or any other characters the user chooses
that will be displayed (eg., using a character code to distinguish between
control panel messages and other pager messages).
You do not need to fill all 16 digits. Press [
] + next field number to exit
the field. To clear the field, press
See field
87 to select the AUX key Paging feature. See field
49, which
must have an option 6-9 selected to enable paging messages, for
description of the pager message.
Event Log 80% Full Report Code
(See notes above)
If an Event Logging selection is made in field
90, a message can be sent
to the central station receiver when the log is 80% full. If the log becomes
full, a new message will overwrite the oldest message in the log.
Note: All control and readout from the log, aside from the selection made
by the installer in field
90, is accomplished via the downloader.
Event Logging Options
0 = No event logging
1 = log Alarm/Alarm Restore
2 = log Trouble/Trouble Restore
4 = log Bypass/Bypass Restore
8 = log Open/Close
x = log combination of events (add value of entries)
Example: To select “Alarm/Alarm Restore” and “Open/Close,” enter 9 (1 +
8); to select all events, enter #15.
Default “3” = alarm/alarm restore (1) plus trouble/trouble restore (2).
The system has the ability to record various events in a history log (84-
event capacity). The types of events to be logged can be selected as
indicated. At any time, the downloader operator can then upload the log
and view or print out all or selected categories of the log. The log can also
be cleared by the download operator.
The display/printout at the central station will show the date, time, event,
and description of the occurrences.
Note: System messages are logged when any non-zero selection is made.