80 Device Programming Menu Mode
The following explains these prompts in detail. The left two columns identify the prompts and list the
available entries. The right-most column provides a further explanation of the entries.
Note: Entering a number other than one specified will give unpredictable results.
Powerline Carrier Device
0 = exit mode
1 = enter mode
Entering “1” advances to the next prompt below.
Entering “0” exits mode, upon which this prompt blinks, indicating the
mode is inactive.
A 0I
Device number
01-08 = device number to be programmed
[✻] = continue
00 = exit Device Programming mode
Enter device numbers as 2-digit entries.
b aa
Device action
0 = No response
1 = Close for 2 seconds
2 = Close and Stay Closed
3 = Continuous Pulse on & off (1 sec ON, 1 sec
[✻] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
Enter the 1-digit action (0-3) for the device being programmed (current
action is displayed).
1. If “3” is entered (pulse), only up to 3 different devices can be pulsed
if one of the devices is a siren/horn (X-10 Powerhouse Security
model SH10A). In addition, the siren/horn cannot be manually
activated using the lights on/lights off keypad commands.
2. If using an X-10 Powerhouse Security SH10A siren:
• you must use device action “3.”
• you must change the device action default to “3” if using default
table 2 or 4
C et
Start event type
0 = Not used 3 = Trouble
1 = Alarm [✻] = continue
2 = Fault [#] = return to previous
Enter the 1-digit event type (0-3) to activate the device being
programmed. A zone list must be used in conjunction with an event. If
a zone type/system operation is to be used instead of an event, enter
Start zone list
1-3 = zone list number (to be programmed in
field ✻81)
0 = zone list not used for this device
[✻] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
If a zone list will be used to start the device action, enter the zone list
number at this prompt.
Start zone type
01-58 = zone type to start this device action
(select only those that are applicable)
00 = zone type not used for this device
[✻] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
If a zone type or system operation will be used to start the device
action, enter the appropriate 2-digit code for the device being
programmed (see table that follows).
Choices for zone types
00 = Not Used 04 = Interior Follower 08 = 24 Hr Aux
01 = Entry/Exit #1 05 = Trouble Day/Alarm Night 09 = Fire
02 = Entry/Exit #2 06 = 24 Hr Silent 10 = Interior w/Delay
03 = Perimeter 07 = 24 Hr Audible 24 = Silent Burglary
Choices for system operation
20 = Arming–Stay 33 = Any Alarm (except zt 08) 42 = Sys. Batt. Low
21 = Arming–Away 36 = At Bell Timeout** 43 = Comm. Failure
22 = Disarm. (Code + OFF) 38 = Chime 52 = Kissoff
31 = End of Exit Time 39 = Any Fire Alarm 58 = Duress
32 = Start of Entry Time 40 = Bypassing
** Or at Disarming (which ever occurs earlier)
Note: If an X-10 device has been programmed to ZT05 or ZT07 and *55
has been enabled, the device response will be dependent upon the
selection made in *55 Field "Ln".
F zl
Stop zone list
1-3 = zone list to stop this device action
0 = zone list not used
[✻] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
If a zone list will be used to STOP, or restore, the device action, enter
the zone list number 1, 2, or 3 (to be programmed in
✻81 mode). If not
used, enter “0”.
IA zt
Stop zone type
01-58 = zone type to start this device action
(select only those that are applicable)
00 = zone type not used for this device
[✻] = continue
[#] = return to previous prompt
If a zone type or system operation will be used to STOP the device
action, enter the appropriate 2-digit code (see the "ZT" choices listed
above). If not, enter 00.
The display then returns to the DEVICE NUMBER prompt (A) so that
you can enter the next device number to be programmed, or enter [0][0]
to end device programming.