Remote Programming/Control (Downloading)
• Command the system to upload a copy of its resident program to the office.
• Set the time
• View/Modify
• X-10/ Scheduling
• Read: arming status, AC power status, lists of faulted zones, bypassed zones, zones currently in alarm,
zones currently in trouble, and RF sensors with low battery conditions; read control’s time.
Notes: (1) After the control and the PC have established valid communication, the keypad will become inactive and will display “CC.”
(2) The keypad will become active after the download communication is terminated.
(3) The detailed operation of the download functions is covered in the installation instructions for the Compass Downloader for
Remote Programming Advisory Notes
• Keypad entries are ignored during the time interval stated above.
• A copy of the program downloaded may be printed using the IBM PC-compatible computer’s internal
report generator, when an optional printer is connected (consult your PC manual for proper printer and
• Program upload or download time is approximately one minute, fifteen seconds for a complete program.