MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
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CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-150 REV:
SECTION IV – Config Module Programming And Regional TDB Loading
4.1 Introduction
The following procedures outline the steps necessary to accomplish a complete configuration of the MK VI/MK
VIII EGPWS. This section must be accomplished in the order presented to minimize errors in configuring and
operating the system(s). If problems are encountered in performing these procedures, the installer may refer to
aircraft wiring diagrams for harness troubleshooting or the aircraft maintenance manual to isolate faulty
equipment. All discrepancies should be resolved before proceeding. This section will also load the Regional
Terrain Database in MK VI EGPWS that will be operating outside the AMERICAS region.
4.2 Harness Ch eckout and Power Check
Prior to installing any equipment, it is important to verify that all interfaces have been made, and that power and
ground at each unit connector is correct using the wiring diagrams for the installation. Any discrepancies in the
wiring must be resolved before proceeding.
The wire harness should also be checked for proper clearance near any control cables and other potential areas
that may cause binding and/or chafing.
4.3 Unit Installa tion
After the harness check has been completed and any discrepancies have been resolved, the units should be
installed into their respective racks, and all connections to the wiring harness should be made (connectors
attached). Verify that all of the units are secure in their respective racks, panels, etc., and all harness
connections are secure. Refer to aircraft installation drawings for the unit locations and mounting information.
4.4 EGPWC Ini tialization and Configuration
The first time a MK VI/MK VIII EGPWS is turned on in a new installation, the Configuration Module in the
EGPWS harness must be programmed to the specific interface configuration for the aircraft. This programming
is done via RS-232 cable connection between the EGPWC and a PC running the Honeywell WinViews software.
This interface capability is provided to facilitate diagnostic and configuration functions with the EGPWC during
post installation checkout. Refer to Appendix C for instructions related to using the WinViews software.
4.4.1 RS-232 Com munication with the MK VI/VIII EGPWS
The MK VI/MK VIII EGPWS computer contains software that allows monitoring of its internal
parameters, for testing purposes, without altering its operation. The monitoring of these
parameter values enables the operator to quickly determine if the EGPWC is using the correct signal and
scaling. The communication link utilizes the RS-232 communication protocol configured as follows:
19200 Baud, No Parity, 8 Bits, and 1 Stop Bit