MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
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CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-150 REV:
4.2.7 Discrete Inputs
Discrete signals are intended for remote switching through the aircraft, and are therefore subject to being connected to
other signals, and are also subject to transient voltage conditions. For these reasons, the following rules apply to each
input, unless otherwise stated.
Each input is capable of withstanding voltage transients of ± 600VDC for 10 µs and ± 50VDC continuously, without
damage. The +28 VDC discretes are internally biased via a pull down resistor, and are externally pulled up to +28VDC
when active. The characteristics of each +28 VDC discrete input are as follows:
+28 VDC Discrete Characteristics
Quantity 13
Active Voltage Range (Logic True) > +17 VDC
Inactive Voltage Range (Logic False) < +4.4 VDC
Diode Isolation None
Input Impedance > 95 K
Maximum Fault Current
< 60 µA
Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): See specific discrete in Category 13 (28V_DISC_xx)
The Ground discretes are internally biased via a pull up resistor, and are externally pulled down to ground when active.
The characteristics of each Ground discrete input are as follows:
Ground Discrete Characteristics
Quantity 15
Active Voltage Range (Logic True) < +3 VDC
Inactive Voltage Range (Logic False) > 100 K
Ω (to ground) or > +3.5 VDC
Diode Isolation Each input is diode isolated to prevent current sinking
Input Impedance > 10 K
Maximum Fault Current
< 100 µA (at +28 VDC input)
Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic): See specific discrete in Category 13 (GND_DISC_xx)
4.2.8 Configuration Module Interface
System configuration is defined via a Configuration Module, which resides in the MK VI/VIII EGPWS aircraft wiring
harness backshell. The EGPWS Configuration Module contains the aircraft interface and functionality definitions specific
to the installed aircraft. Refer to Section 5 for interface and functional definitions by category. Note that both
configuration module part numbers, 700-1710-003 and 700-1710-020, have identical electrical interfaces.
Electrical Characteristics Refer to the EGPWS Configuration Module specification
Data definition Refer to the EGPWS Configuration Module specification
Pin Assignment (Signal Mnemonic):
Master Data Out
Master Data In
Configuration Module Select
Configuration Module +5VDC
Configuration Module +5VDC Return
J2-32 (RED)
J2-50 (BLK)
J2-33 (ORN)
J2-49 (WHT)
J2-17 (VIO)
J2-16 (BLU)
Output to Config Module Logic Low (nominal) Logic High (nominal)
EMK 6/8 EMK 6/8
Clock Out 0 V 5 V
Master Data Out 0 V 5 V
Config Module Select 0 V 5 V
4.2.9 GPS Antenna Input
A GPS input connector is available on the front of the MK VI EGPWS (965-1190-0XX only) and MK VIII EGPWS (965-
1220-0XX) only.
Quantity 1
Cable Length/Allowed Signal Loss Not more than 8 dB, at 1575.42 MHz, for cable and
connector loss from antenna to unit.