MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
Proprietary notice on title page applies
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-150 REV:
3.4.2 Digital – AR INC 429 (Cat. 2 ID 5, 1, 6, 13)
Air Data Type 1 is a low speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having the air data labels 203, 206, 212, and 213.
Air Data Type 5 is a low speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having the air data labels 203, 204, 206, 212, and 213.
Air Data Type 6 is a low speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having the air data labels 203, 206, and 213.
Air Data Type 13 is a low speed, digital ARINC 429 signal having the air data label 203 only.
If the hardware is capable of transmitting all label sets, the preferred Air Data Type is 5. If only label 204 is
missing, use Air Data Type 1, and if both labels 204 and 212 are missing use Air Data Type 6. Some aircraft
have only label 203 available (or no temperature) for those choose Air Data Type 13.
J2 ARINC 429 Air Data
ARINC 429 Bus - Hi
ARINC 429 Bus - Lo
ARINC 429 Low Speed
Air Data Bus
Cat 2 Bus 1 Bus 2
Vendor Model ID A B A B
Honeywell AZ-6XX,
5* J1B-26 J1B-27 J1B-70 J1B-71
CIC 04471 5* J1-12 J1-13
CIC 02702 mod 6 * J2-J J2-K
KDC 281 * P2811-5 P2811-6
KDC 481 * P4811-U P4811- i
B&D 90004 5* J1-27 J1-9
B&D 2600 6** 6 8
B&D 2601 6** 14 13
B&D 2800 * P201-11 P201-28
Collins ADC 85/86 5* P2-9 P2-10 P2-29 P2-30
Shadin ADC-2000
(s/w mod 71.73.01)
5* J1-40 J1-22
NOTE: The connector pin numbers given in the Table above are to the best knowledge of Honeywell EGPWS engineering. Please
contact the manufacturer’s customer service to confirm your installation.
* Category 2, ID 5, 1, 6 or 13 depending on availability of labels 204 and 212. ID 5 is the preferred selection, then ID’s 1, 6, and 13
in order of preference. CIC air data computers installed without Baro Set pots should be configured as Cat 2 ID 1.
** EGPWS installations with the B&D 2600 ADC should be configured for Cat 2 ID 6 because the B&D 2600 Altitude Rate ARINC
429 label 212 has a poor response to altitude changes and causes nuisance alerts.