MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
Proprietary notice on title page applies
CAGE CODE: 97896 SCALE: NONE SIZE: A DWG NO: 060-4314-150 REV:
3.15.3 Instruction s
Using Appendix E Tables 5.2, 5.3.13 and 5.3.13-x as described above, select the Input/Output
Discrete Type number that matches the aircraft configuration, feature preferences and version
(part number) being installed.
Record the ID number for the Input/Output Discrete Select number from Appendix E Table 5.3.13
under the Ident No. heading for Step (Category) 13 in Appendix E Table 5.2.
Using the Input/Output Discrete Type number from Appendix E Table 5.3.13 as “x”, go the
Appendix E Table 5.3.13-x.
The electrical interfaces for the Input/Output Discrete Type are shown in Appendix E Table
5.3.13-x and are used to generate the installation wiring diagrams.
Note: When there are two discrete pin choices for the same pin function in Appendix E Table
5.3.13-x, use only the one that matches the aircraft wiring (use only the +28V and 0V or the
Ground and Open definitions).
3.16 Category 1 4 – Audio Output Level
Category 14 controls the Audio Output level for alert menu callouts (cautions and warnings). Refer to Category
13 for information on the Mode 6 Low Volume discrete.
Appendix E Table 5.3.14 defines the Audio Output Level options and identifies the first MK VI/VIII EGPWS
version in which the option was available (see the Effectivity entry).
The Nominal Volume Select is equivalent to MK VI (classic) MAX volume level. The –6dB through –24 dB are
successively lower volume from Nominal. The Nominal output is 4 watts rms into an 8-ohm load and 100 milli-
watts rms into a 600-ohm load. The audio output level for Mode 6 alerts can be reduced an additional 6 dB by
activating the Mode 6 Low Volume discrete of Category 13.
3.16.1 Instruction s
Using Appendix E Tables 5.2 and 5.3.14 as described above, select the Audio Output Level ID
number that matches the feature preferences and version (part number) being installed.
Record the ID number for the Audio Output Level from Appendix E Table 5.3.14 under the Ident
No. heading for Step (Category) 14 in Appendix E Table 5.2.