MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
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APPENDIX E - Interface Description Document
1.1 Part Number
This document is the Interface Description Document for the MK VI and MK VIII Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning
System (EGPWS). The EGPWS computer (EGPWC) for these systems are identified by Honeywell part numbers:
965-1180-0XX MK VI EGPWC With upgraded CPU
965-1190-0XX MK VI EGPWC With upgraded CPU and internal GPS
965-1210-0XX: MK VIII EGPWC With upgraded CPU
965-1220-0XX: MK VIII EGPWC With upgraded CPU and internal GPS
Differences, where they exist, between the different part numbers, are highlighted within this document.
The EGPWC 10 digit part number will identify the configuration of the EGPWC as follows:
965-1ABC-DDD (example 965-1180-020)
A = 1 (MK VI) or 2 (MK VIII)
B = Functionality of hardware (with or without internal GPS or Upgraded CPU). Refer to part number list above for
C = MK VI or MK VIII EGPWC hardware (including boot code). C = 0 as hardware part numbers roll.
DDD = Application Software (including Configuration Software)
The Terrain Database (including the Envelope Modulation Database) Version is not identified in the 10-digit part number
but with a separate identifier on the nameplate.
All modification changes not affecting form, fit or function will be identified via “mod dots”.
The digits identifying the Application software will match the respective version number of the Application software.
1.2 Purpose
The Interface Description Document describes all of the system external interfaces for the MK VI and MK VIII Enhanced
Ground Proximity Warning System (EGPWS).
1.3 System Overview
Refer to the EGPWS Product Specification document referenced in section 2.
1.4 Document Overview
This document is organized as follows.
Section 1 Introduction, identifies this Description Document and describes the content and organization of the document.
Section 2 Referenced Documents.
Section 3 Mechanical Interface, summarizes the outline, mounting tray outline and weight of the EGPWS.
Section 4 Electrical Interface, summarizes the number and type of electrical interfaces available.
Section 5 Aircraft Application Data, specifies the available interfaces as well as specific data provided on each interface
Section 6 Input Data Definition, provides definition of digital and analog input characteristics.
Section 7 Output Data Definition, describes the characteristics of the EGPWC outputs.
Section 8 Connector Interface, describes pin out and function for the front panel connectors.
Section 9 Definitions, provides a list of acronyms.
MK VI/MK VIII EGPWS Product Specification 965-1180-601
MK VI/MK VIII EGPWS Pilot Guide 060-4314-000
MK VI/MK VIII EGPWS Line Maintenance Manual 060-4199-180
MK VI/MK VIII EGPWS Terrain Database 060-4326-000
EGPWS Interface Methodology 060-4303-000