MK VI MK VIII EGPWS Installation Design Guide
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4.4.3 WinVIEWS
(Windows Virtual Interface to the Enhanced Warning System)
WinVIEWS is a software tool developed by Honeywell to communicate with the EGPWS. WinVIEWS provides a
detailed status of the software configuration and input signals, which enables quick identification of system
configuration, and is utilized for programming the system Configuration Module.
To obtain a copy of the WinVIEWS software, contact:
Aerospace Electronic Systems
PO Box 97001
Redmond, WA 98073-9701 USA
Attn: Order Administration M/S 33
Phone: (425) 885-8719
FAX: (425) 885-8988
Aerospace Electronic Systems
PO Box 97001
Redmond, WA 98073-9701 USA
Attn: EGPWS Applications Engineering
Phone: (425) 885-3711
FAX: (425) 885-2994
GPWS Hotline: (800) 813-2099
WinVIEWS can be sent via e-mail when an e-mail address is provided.
4.4.4 WinVIEWS Operation
1. Connect the PC to the EGPWC using the RS-232 cable as described in section 4.4.2
2. On the PC, start Windows 3.1, or higher.
3. Start the WinVIEWS.EXE program.
4. Use F6 to select the Terminal Mode. Various commands are available in this mode. Type “HELP” or “?” for a
list of the commands available.
4.5 Configurati on Module Programming
The EGPWC reads the aircraft configuration from the Configuration Module, which is installed in the EGPWC
connector. The Configuration Module must have the aircraft specific configuration ID string written to it before
the EGPWS is operational. The ID string is defined by 15 separate categories listed in Appendix E Table 5.2,
Category ID Selection Procedure.
For programming the Configuration Module, the following procedure is used:
1. Verify EGPWC interface to P2 connector (including Configuration Module) and RS-232 interface to PC.
2. Power EGPWC and PC and start WinVIEWS.
3. With WinVIEWS active in the Terminal Mode, configuration sub-mode commands are available for
programming purpose. Type “CFG” at the Terminal Mode prompt (>). At this point, the CFG> prompt is
displayed and the program and EGPWC are ready for entering the program command and data string.
Type “HELP” or “?” to display a list of the Terminal Mode commands and their description. “CUW” is the
preface command for entering the ID string.