4. Condition setting
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Chapter 4 Condition Setting
Press "Cond Set"[PF5] key in either playback mode or manual mode.
Screen display
Modification method
Locate highlight bar on the item. Enter the values in input frame when value is needed
to be entered. After entering numeric data keys, press [SET] for completion.
In case of selecting one of items in < >, press [SHIFT]+[→ ][← ] to move highlight bar
and for execution.
1) Condition setting is stored in (ROBOT.C00).
2) (ROBOT.C00) file can be modified even though it is in full protection.
14:39:38 *** Condition set *** A:0 S:4
1: Cycle type =<1Step,1Cycle,Continu>
2: Step go/back max.speed(mm/s) = [200]
3: Func in step GO/BACK =<Off,On,I On>
4: Speed rate=[100] GunStep=<DSBL,ENBL>
5: Robot lock =<DSBL,ENBL>
Servo gun unlock=<DSBL,ENBL>
6: Rec speed type=<Standard,[%],[mm/s]>
7: Interpolation base= <R-tool,S-tool>
8: Select user coordinate =[ 0]