
11. Robot Language Explanation
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11.1.5 Robot type information
(1) 0 bit : It is an auto. cfg. function. If it is 0, type information assigned at 1 bit∼6
bit is applied, if it is 1, it uses proper type created ignoring assigned type.
(2) 9∼7 bit : It is a coordinate type of pose. When you want to use by reading coordinate
information of pose in program routine, this bit is used. In case that it is set
differently between coordinate system suffix and this bit, you can follow suffix.
9∼7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0 bit
0: base
1: robot
3: encoder
0: R2<180
1: R2>=180
0: R1<180
0: S<180
1: S>=180
0: flip
1: noflip
0: up
1: down
0: front
1: rear
0: manual
1: auto