
SA-1110 Developers Manual 393
DC Parameters 12
This chapter defines the DC parameters for the Intel
StrongARM* SA-1110 Microprocessor
12.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Table 12-1 lists the absolute maximum ratings for the SA-1110.
Table 12-1. SA-1110 DC Maximum Ratings
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units Note
VDD Core supply voltage VSS 0.5 VSS + 2.1 V 1
VDDX I/O voltage
MIN(VSS 0.05,
VDD 0.3)
VSS + 3.6 V 1
Vip Voltage applied to any pin VSS 0.5 VSS + 3.6 V 1
Vip (*XTAL) Voltage applied to *XTAL pins 0 1 V 1
Ts Storage temperature 40 125 °C1
1. These are stress SA-1110 ratings only. Exceeding the absolute maximum ratings may permanently
damage the device. Operating the device at absolute maximum ratings for extended periods may affect
device reliability.