
414 SA-1110 Developers Manual
Boundary-Scan Test Interface
16.2 Reset
The boundary-scan interface includes a state-machine controller (the TAP controller). To force the
TAP controller into the correct state after power-up of the device, a reset pulse must be applied to
the nTRST pin. If the boundary-scan interface is to be used, then nTRST must be driven low, and
then high again. If the boundary-scan interface is not to be used, then the nTRST pin may be tied
permanently low. Note that a clock on TCK is not necessary to reset the device.
The action of reset (either a pulse or a DC level) is as follows:
System mode is selected (the boundary-scan chain does NOT intercept any of the signals
passing between the pads and the core).
IDcode mode is selected. If TCK is pulsed, the contents of the ID register will be clocked out
of TDO.
16.3 Pull-Up Resistors
The IEEE 1149.1 standard effectively requires that TDI, nTRST, and TMS should have internal
pull-up resistors. To minimize static current draw, nTRST has an internal pull-down resistor. These
pins can be left unconnected for normal operation and overdriven to use the JTAG features.
16.4 Instruction Register
The instruction register is 5 bits in length. There is no parity bit. The fixed value loaded into the
instruction register during the CAPTURE-IR controller state is: 00001.
16.5 Public Instructions
The following public instructions are supported:
Instruction Binary Code
EXTEST 00000
CLAMP 00100
HIGHZ 00101
IDCODE 00110
BYPASS 11111
Private 00010, 00011, 00111, 01000-01111, 10000-11110
In the descriptions that follow, TDI and TMS are sampled on the rising edge of TCK, and all output
transitions on TDO occur as a result of the falling edge of TCK.