The metronome > Starting and stopping the metronome, adjusting the tempo
The metronome
The C-520 incorporates a metronome, with which you can beat the tempo during practice or song recording. The metronome can
beat ordinary times, or drum patterns.
Starting and stopping the metronome, adjusting the tempo
Use the METRONOME button to start and stop the metro-
1. Press the METRONOME button to make the metronome
start (the indicator on the button turns on).
2. Press the METRONOME button again to stop it (the indi-
cator turns off).
Tempo and time signature display
The metronome’s tempo and time signature are always shown
in the Main page:
The metronome’s tempo and time signature also appear in
Performance mode:
When a drum pattern is selected as the time signature, the sep-
arator between the fraction’s numerator and denominator is a
hyphen (–) (see page 23 for information o how to select drum
When listening to a song, the tempo and time signature are
those of the current song. You can use the TEMPO buttons to
adjust the tempo while the song plays. On the contrary, the
time signature cannot be modified after recording:
(Please remember you can exit from the Song Play page and
return to the Main page by pressing the EXIT button.)
Adjusting the tempo
When turning the metronome on for the first time, while in
the Main page, the default tempo of 120 BPM (beats per
minute) is chosen. You can adjust it by using the TEMPO but-
When turning it on from the Song Play (page 26) or Record
page (see page 30), the tempo is that of the current song. You
can adjust it by using the TEMPO buttons.
The last change is preserved, until you don’t choose a different
song and start playing it back.
GrandPiano 4/4
Strings 120
Metronome’s tempo
Metronome’s time signature
Perf 01 4/4
Split&Layr 120
Metronome’s tempo
Metronome’s time signature
GrandPiano 4-4
Strings 120
4/4 drum pattern selected
01-Prelude 1
M: 1 4/4 120
Song’s tempo
Song’s time signature