Editing sounds and performances > Setting the chorus or modulation effect
Setting the chorus or modulation effect
The chorus or modulation effect adds depth to the sound. Ei-
ther you are in Single, Layer or Split mode, a single chorus ef-
fect is available for both sounds (see diagram above). A
different amount of chorus can be applied to each sound,
thanks to the Chorus Send parameter (see below).
1. After having pressed the EDIT button, use the SCROLL
button to go to the Chorus Type edit page, with the chorus
type selected:
Use the +/YES and -/NO buttons to select a different cho-
rus effect. See below the list of available chorus-type
effects (a more detailed list is on page 285).
2. Press SCROLL
again to select the Chorus On/Off pa-
Use the +/YES and -/NO buttons to turn the chorus on or
off. This corresponds to the status of the CHORUS indica-
3. Press SCROLL
to go to the Chorus Send edit page, with
the M (Main) parameter selected:
Use the +/YES and -/NO buttons to set the amount of
chorus applied to the Main sound (0 ~ 127).
4. If you are in Layer or Split mode, press SCROLL
to select the L (Layer/Left) parameter:
Use the +/YES and -/NO buttons to set the amount of
chorus applied to the Layer/Left sound (0 ~ 127).
5. Press the EXIT button to return to the Main page and save
the changes (see “Exit from the Sound edit mode” on
page 41), or the SCROLL
button to go to the next edit
page (see below).
Setting the insert effects
In addition to the reverb and chorus effects, common to both
sounds in Layer and Split mode, an insert effect (IFX) is avail-
able for each sound (see diagram above). The insert effect
strongly modifies the sound, and is to be considered as part of
the sound itself.
1. After having pressed the EDIT button, use the SCROLL
button to go to the IFX Type edit page, with the IFX as-
signed to the Main sound selected:
Use the +/YES and -/NO buttons to select a different
effect. “Off” means no effect. See below the list of available
IFX effects (a more detailed list is on page 285).
2. If you are in Layer or Split mode, press SCROLL
to select the IFX assigned to the Layer/Left sound:
Use the +/YES and -/NO buttons to select a different
Chorus Harm. Chorus Chorus Delay
Ensemble Flanger Tremolo
Chorus Type 5
Chorus Off
Chorus Type 5
Chorus Send 6
M:127 L:Off
Chorus Send 6
IFX M/L Type 7
EQ1 Phaser
LoGain HiGain HLGain MdGain
Echo1 Echo2 Echo3
Dly4th Dly3/4 Dly8th
Pan Trem. Phaser Rotary
AmpSim Comp. Limit. Excit.
Wah PhaTrm AmpTrm CmpAmp
OD-Wah WahAmp
IFX M/L Type 7