Editing a song > Saving the song after editing
When you reach the end of the name, a flashing asterisk
(*) appears:
At this point, you can either use the +/YES and -/NO but-
tons to choose a new character, or press SCROLL
moves the cursor to the Save command:
3. Press the +/YES button to save the song into the User Song
album, or the -/NO button to return to the Song Play
mode, without saving the song. As an alternative, you can
press EXIT to exit without saving, or to continue recording
the current song.
4. The “Are you sure?” message appears. Press +/YES to con-
firm, -/NO to cancel and exit.
At the end, the Song Play display will appear again, and
you will be able to choose a different song for playing.
Save Song 7
MyName* Save?
Flashing asterisk
Save Song 7