
SuperSign Server
Connecting to the server
In the PC Editor, you can connect to the SuperSign Server.
1 Click Server > Server Login.
2 When the Server IP setting window appears, enter the server IP address and click the [OK]
• The Server IP setting window appears only if the server’s IP address has not been set.
The window will not appear if you have already set the server IP address. Skip to Step 3.
3 When the Login window appears, enter the User ID and Password, and click the [OK] button.
Viewing user rights
You can view the role and permissions of the user logged in.
1 Click Server > User information.
2 You can view the user rights when the User information window appears.
Server IP setting
You can set the server’s IP address.
1 Click Settings > Server IP.
2 Enter a Server IP address and click the [OK] button.