[ VII Control ]
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HWE09120 GB
(3) Stopping the defrost operation
The defrost cycle ends when 12 minutes have passed since the beginning of the cycle, or when the pipe temperature (TH3)
has been continuously detected for 4 minutes (when SW3-4 is set to OFF) or 2 minutes (when SW3-4 is set to ON) that ex-
ceeds the values in the table below.
The defrost cycle will not end for two minutes once started unless one of the following conditions is met : Pipe temperature
reaches 25°C [77°F] and SW3-4 is set to OFF OR =25+TH7°C [77°F+TH7] and SW3-4 is set to ON.
*1 (5°C [41°F] 25°C [77°F]).
In the multiple-outdoor-unit system, defrosting is stopped on all units at the same time.
(4) Problems during defrost operation
If a problem is detected during defrost operation, the operation will be stopped, and the defrost prohibition time based on the
integrated compressor operation time will be set to 20 minutes.
(5) Change in the number of operating indoor units during defrost operation
Even when there is a change in the number of operating indoor units during defrost operation, the operation will continue, and
an adjustment will be made after the completion of the defrost operation.
Defrost operation will be continued, even if the indoor units stop or under the Thermo-OFF conditions until it has run its course.
SW3 - 4 OFF SW3 - 4 ON
72 model 10°C [50°F] 5°C [41°F]
96 model 10°C [50°F] 5°C [41°F]
120 model 7°C [45°F] 5°C [41°F]
144 model 7°C [45°F] 5°C [41°F]