[ IX Troubleshooting ]
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HWE09120 GB
1. Error Code
Serial communication error
2. Error definition and error detection method
Serial communication error between the control board and the INV board on the compressor, and between the control board
and the Fan board
Detail code 01: Between the control board and the INV board
Detail code 05: Between the control board and the Fan board
3. Cause, check method and remedy
(1) Faulty wiring
Check the following wiring connections.
1) Between Control board and Fan board
2) Between Fan board and INV board
(2) INV board failure, Fan board failure and Control board failure
Replace the INV board or the Fan board or control board when the power turns on automatically, even if the power source is
1. Error Code
Panel communication error
2. Error definition and error detection method
This error is detected when indoor units cannot successfully receive the signals from the Auto filter cleaning unit for one min-
3. Cause, check method and remedy
Refer to section -6- "Inverter (YJMU-A)" under part [4] Troubleshooting Principal Parts for error codes related to the
inverter.(page 261)
0403 (YJMU-A)
0403 (YJMU-A) (Indoor unit)
Cause Check method and remedy
(1) Incorrect switch setting on the indoor unit cir-
cuit board
Check SW3-3 on the indoor unit circuit board
Set SW3-3 to ON only when connecting an auto filter cleaning
(2) Power wire that connects the circuit board on
the indoor unit and the circuit board on the
cleaning unit is loose.
Check the LED1 (cleaning unit circuit board (microcomputer
Lit: Power is supplied properly.
Unlit: Check for loose or disconnected power wire between the
indoor unit circuit board (CNAC) and the cleaning unit circuit
board (CN3A).
(3) Communication wire that connects the circuit
board on the indoor unit and the circuit board
on the cleaning unit is loose.
Check the LED4 (cleaning unit circuit board (communication)).
Blinking: Normal communication
Unlit: Check for loose or disconnected communication wire be-
tween the indoor unit circuit board (CN3G) and the cleaning unit
circuit board (CN3G).
If the LED blinks at irregular intervals (normally blinks at 0.5-sec-
ond intervals), electrical interference is suspected.
Check the items above, turn the power off, and turn the power
back on. If the error persists, replace either the cleaning unit cir-
cuit board or the indoor unit circuit board.
(4) Panel transceiver circuit fault (cleaning unit)
(5) Panel transceiver circuit fault (indoor unit)
(6) Electrical interference on the cleaning unit's
communication cable
Control board FAN board
CN22 CN2
FAN board INV board