[ IX Troubleshooting ]
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HWE09120 GB
(2) Inverter output related troubles
Items to be checked Phenomena Remedy
Check the
INV board er-
ror detection
(1) Disconnect the invert-
er output wire from
the terminals of the
INV board (SC-U,
SC-V, SC-W).
1) Overcurrent error
Error code: 4250
Detail code: No. 101, 104, 105,
106, and 107
Replace the INV board.
(2) Put the outdoor unit
into operation.
2) Logic error
Error code: 4220
Detail code: No. 111
Replace the INV board.
3) ACCT sensor circuit failure
Error code: 5301
Detail code: No.117
Replace the INV board.
4) IPM open
Error code: 5301
Detail code: No.119
Check for
ground fault
or coil error.
Disconnect the compressor
wiring, and check the com-
pressor Meg, and coil resis-
1) Compressor Meg failure
Error if less than 1 Mohm.
Check that there is no liquid re-
frigerant in the compressor.
If there is none, replace the com-
2) Compressor coil resistance failure
Coil resistance value of 0.71 ohm
(20°C [68°F]): P72 model
Coil resistance value of 0.32 ohm
(20°C [68°F]): P96 - P144 models
Replace the compressor.
Check wheth-
er the inverter
is damaged.
(No load)
(1) Disconnect the invert-
er output wire from
the terminals of the
INV board (SC-U,
SC-V, SC-W).
1) Inverter-related problems are de-
Connect the short-circuit connec-
tor to CN6, and go to section [1].
(2) Disconnect the short-
circuit connector from
CN6 on the INV
2) Inverter voltage is not output at the
terminals (SC-U, SC-V, and SC-W)
Replace the INV board.
(3) Put the outdoor unit
into operation.
Check the inverter
output voltage after
the inverter output
frequency has stabi-
3) There is an voltage imbalance be-
tween the wires.
Greater than 5% imbalance or 5V
Replace the INV board.
4) There is no voltage imbalance be-
tween the wires.
*Reconnect the short-circuit con-
nector to CN6 after checking the