
© National Instruments Corp. Index-9 NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows
serial polling, 7-5 to 7-10
automatic serial polling, 7-6 to 7-7
autopolling and interrupts, 7-7
stuck SRQ state, 7-6 to 7-7
service requests
from IEEE 488 devices, 7-5
from IEEE 488.2 devices, 7-6
SRQ and serial polling
with NI-488 device functions, 7-7 to 7-8
with NI-488.2 routines, 7-8 to 7-10
Talker/Listener applications, 7-4 to 7-5
event queue, 7-5
requesting service, 7-5
waiting for messages from Controller, 7-4
termination of data transfers, 7-1 to 7-2
waiting for GPIB conditions, 7-3
GPIB Spy utility. See also debugging.
configuration options
Buffer History, 6-3
Calls to Highlight, 6-3
Calls to Trap On, 6-3
Set Highlight Color, 6-3
Store Configuration, 6-4
debugging applications, 4-4
exiting, 6-2
Help menu, 6-5
main window (illustration), 6-1
output options
Clear Screen, 6-4
To File, 6-4
To Screen, 6-4
overview, 6-1
performance considerations, 6-5
purpose, 1-7
starting, 6-1
viewing call details, 6-2
gpib.dll file, 1-6. See also NI-488.2 DLL.
GPIBInfo utility
purpose, 1-7
running, 4-2 to 4-3
gpib.ini file, 1-6, B-2
handshake lines, 1-3
Help (display help information) function, 5-15