
NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows Index-18 © National Instruments Corp.
terminate read on EOS, 8-8
timeout setting, 8-7
type of compare on EOS, 8-8
use this GPIB interface, 8-10
default configurations, 8-12
exiting (<F9> or <Escape>), 8-12 to 8-13
checking for errors, 8-13
lower level device/board characteristics, 8-5 to 8-6
changing board or device (<Control-PageUp> and <Control-PageDown>), 8-6
changing characteristics (<PageUp>, <PageDown>, <Home>, or <End>), 8-6
Help option (<F1>), 8-6
Reset Value (<F6>), 8-6
Return to Map (<F9> of <Escape>), 8-6
screen illustration, 8-5
options for starting (table), 8-2
overview, 8-1
purpose, 1-7
reconfiguring GPIB driver, 4-5 to 4-6
starting, 8-1 to 8-2
upper level device map, 8-3 to 8-5
upper level device map options
device maps of boards, 8-4
(Dis)connect (<F5>), 8-4
Edit (<F8>), 8-5
Exit (<F9> or <Escape>), 8-5
Help (<F1>), 8-4
Rename (<F4>), 8-4
screen illustration, 8-3
wibic utility
auxiliary functions
! (repeat previous function), 5-15
$ (execute indirect file), 5-16
+ (turn display on), 5-15
- (turn display off), 5-15
buffer (set buffer display mode), 5-17
help (display help information), 5-15
n* (repeat function n times), 5-16
print (display the ASCII string), 5-17
set (select device or board), 5-15
table of functions, 5-14
checking for display errors, 4-4
communicating with devices, 3-5
count, 5-10
debugging applications, 4-4
error information, 5-9 to 5-10