
NI-488.2 User Manual for Windows Index-14 © National Instruments Corp.
parallel polling, 7-10 to 7-12
application example, 2-18 to 2-19
implementing, 7-10 to 7-12
setting duration of, 8-10
using NI-488 functions, 7-10 to 7-11
using NI-488.2 routines, 7-12
PPoll routine, 7-12
PPollConfig routine, 7-12
PPollUnconfig routine, 7-12
primary GPIB address
definition, 1-2
purpose, 8-7
setting, 8-7
print (display the ASCII string) function, wibic, 5-17
problem solving. See debugging.
programming. See application development; debugging; GPIB programming techniques.
readme.txt file, 1-6
ReadStatusByte routine, 7-8
Receive routine
reading measurements, 3-16
using in wibic, 5-13 to 5-14
REM status word condition
bit position, hex value, and type (table), 3-4
description, A-4
REN (remote enable) line
purpose (table), 1-3
setting for automatic assertion, 8-9
repeat addressing
communication errors, 4-6
enabling, 8-11
repeat function n times (n*) function, wibic, 5-16
repeat previous function (!) function, wibic, 5-15
requesting service. See service requests.
routines. See NI-488.2 routines.
RQS status word condition
bit position, hex value, and type (table), 3-4
description, A-2 to A-3
running applications. See compiling, linking, and running applications.