Menu Guide—Custom Settings
Custom Setting f4: Assign FUNC. Button
This option controls the function performed by
the FUNC. button. Highlight f4 FUNC. Button in
the second level of the CSM menu (
178) and
press the multi selector to the right. Press the
multi selector up or down to highlight an option,
then press to the right to make a selection.
Option Description
FV Lock/
Lens data
As above, except that when SB-800 or SB-600 is off or not attached,
FUNC. button and command dials can be used to specify focal length
and aperture of non-CPU lenses ( 128).
FV Lock
If SB-800 or SB-600 Speedlight is attached, fl ash value locks when
FUNC. button is pressed. Press again to cancel FV lock.
1 step
If FUNC. button is pressed when rotating command dials, changes to
shutter speed (exposure modes S and M) and aperture (exposure modes
A and M) are made in increments of 1 EV.
Flash off Flash will not fi re in photos taken while FUNC. button is pressed.
Same as
FUNC. button performs same functions as AE-L/AF-L button.
ing burst
While FUNC. button is pressed, all shots in exposure or fl ash bracketing
program will be taken each time shutter-release button is pressed. In
continuous high-speed and continuous low-speed modes, camera will
repeat bracketing burst while shutter-release button is held down. If
white-balance bracketing is selected, camera will take photos at up to
8 fps (single or continuous high-speed mode) or 1–7 fps (continuous low-
speed mode) and perform white balance bracketing on each frame.
Center-weighted metering activated while FUNC. button is pressed.
Matrix metering activated while FUNC. button is pressed.
Spot metering activated while FUNC. button is pressed.
FUNC. button and main command dial can be used to turn high-speed
crop mode on and off ( 41). Hi-speed crop mode can not be changed
after fi rst shot in multiple exposure.