Taking Photographs—Choosing a Shooting Mode
*Average frame rate with continuous-
servo AF, manual or shutter-priority auto
ex po sure, a shutter speed of ½50 s or
faster, and memory re main ing in mem-
ory buffer. Number of pictures that can
be stored in buffer depends on options
selected for image quality and Hi-speed
crop (see right; fi gures assume a sensi-
tivity of ISO 100 equivalent).
Choosing a Shooting Mode
Single Frame, Continuous, Self-Timer, or Mirror Up
Shooting mode determines how the camera takes pho to graphs: one at a
time, in a continuous sequence, with a timed shutter-release delay, or with
the mirror raised to enhance shutter response and minimize vibration.
Camera takes one photograph each time shutter-release button is
pressed. Access lamp will light while photo is recorded; next shot can
be taken immediately if enough space remains in memory buffer.
Use the self-timer for self-portraits or to reduce blurring caused by
camera shake ( 127).
Press shutter-release button once to raise mirror, again to take photo-
graph (shutter will be released automatically if shutter-release button is
not pressed for 30 s after mirror up). Mirror will be lowered after shutter
is released. Choose this mode to minimize camera shake in situations
in which the least camera movement can result in blurred photographs.
Note that autofocus, metering, and framing can not be confi rmed in the
viewfi nder while mirror is raised.
Mirror up
While shut ter-re lease but ton is held down, camera records 1–4 frames
per second (1–7 fps when high-speed crop is on; 41).
Frame rate
can be chosen using Custom Setting d1 (Shooting Speed; 194).
low speed
While shut ter-re lease but ton is held down, camera records up to 5
frames per second (8 fps when high-speed crop is on; 41).
high speed
Hi-speed crop
Off On
Uncompressed NEF+JPEG
16 28
Compressed NEF+JPEG
16 28
Uncompressed NEF
17 29
Compressed NEF
17 29
16 28
22 35