Introduction—First Steps
.4 Format the mem o ry card
Memory cards must be for mat ted be fore fi rst use.
Formatting Memory Cards
Formatting memory cards permanently deletes any data they
may contain. Be sure to copy any photographs and other data you
wish to keep to a com put er be fore proceeding (
To for mat the card, turn the camera on and hold the ( and )
but tons down si mul ta neous ly for ap prox i mate ly two sec onds. A blink-
ing will appear in the shut ter-speed display and the frame count
will blink. Press ing both but tons to geth er a sec ond time will for mat
the mem o ry card. Press any other button to exit with out for mat ting.
During formatting, the letters will appear in the frame-count dis-
play. When for mat ting is com plete, the frame-count display will show
the number of pho to graphs that can be re cord ed at current set tings.
During Formatting
Do not remove the card or battery or unplug the AC adapter
(available sep a rate ly) during formatting.
Format ( 210)
Memory cards can also be formatted using the Format option in the setup menu.