Menu Guide—The Shooting Menu
Image Size
Image size refers to the physical dimensions of the
image, measured in pixels. Smaller sizes require
less space to store, making them suited to distri-
bution by e-mail and the web. Conversely, the
larger the image, the larger the size at which it can
be printed without becoming noticeably “grainy.”
Choose an image size according to the space avail-
able on the memory card and the task at hand.
Option Description
2272 × 1704
Size when printed at 300 dpi is about 19 × 14 cm
˝ × 5
1600 × 1200
Size when printed at 300 dpi is about 13 × 10 cm
(5˝ × 4˝).
1280 × 960
Size when printed at 300 dpi is about 10 × 8cm
(4˝ × 3˝).
1024 × 768
Suited to printing at smaller sizes (for example, as an
illustration in a letter or report), or to display on mon-
itors 17˝ or larger.
Can be displayed full screen on 13˝ monitors. Suited
to distribution by e-mail or the web.
2272 × 1520 (3 : 2)
The top and bottom of the frame are cropped out to
produce a picture of the same proportions as photo-
graphs taken with a 35-mm film camera. The autofo-
cus lamp blinks slowly to show that photographs can
not be accurately framed in the viewfinder.
Print Size
The size of pictures when printed depends on the resolution of the printer (the
higher the resolution, the smaller the final print size).
*Not available in scene mode.
640 × 480