Beyond Point-and-Shoot—Shooting-Mode Selection
Two successive exposures
are combined to form a
single image. Take the
first exposure normally.
The shot will appear in the monitor su-
perimposed on the view through the
lens. Use this as a guide to compose a
multiple exposure, then press the shut-
ter-release button to record the picture.
( ,
Scene BlurDescription
( 57)( 64)
Provides clear pictures of
text or drawings on a
white board, business
card, or printed matter.
•Colored text and drawings may not
show up well in the final picture.
( ,
Use when your subject is
lit from behind and their
features are in shadow,
or when your subject is
in the shade but the background is
brightly lit. The flash will fire automati-
cally to “fill in” (illuminate) shadows.
Back Light
Tips on Creating a Multiple Exposure
Exposure compensation ( 69) may be needed to create the desired effect.
As a rule of thumb, exposure compensation should be set to around –1.0 EV.
We recommend, however, that you view the results in the monitor, taking
additional shots at different settings if necessary. Exposure compensation
may not be required if the background is completely black and your subject is
positioned in different areas of the frame in each of the two shots.
†When autofocus is selected, minimum focus distance is about 70 cm (2´4˝) from lens.
Use macro close-up at shorter ranges. At zoom positions in which monitor focus
mode indicator ( ) is displayed in yellow, minimum focus distance is 2 cm (0.8˝).