Menu Guide—The Playback Menu
Once created, transformed images are independent of the original: deleting
the transformed image has no effect on the original, deleting the original no
effect on the transformed image. Transformed images are stored on the
memory card as independent files with names of the form “TSCNnnnn,” where
“nnnn” is a four-digit number assigned automatically by the camera. The
print and protect attributes of the original will not be reflected in the trans-
formed image and must be set separately.
Choosing a Size for Small Pictures: Small Pic.
This option controls the size of pictures created
with the small picture option ( 75). Choose from
640 × 480, 320 × 240, 160 × 120, and 96 × 72.
Perspective Control
Stretching the image produces a slightly “grainy,” uneven appearance, an
effect which increases the more the image is stretched.
The transformed image is the same size as the original. Any portions of the
image that do not fit in the original dimensions will be cropped.