Overview Appendices
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Using Camera Control Pro
Camera Control Pro 2
The Camera Menu 3/4
Measure White Balance…
Use this op tion to measure preset white balance. If the cam era
cur rent ly con nect ed sup ports multiple values for preset white
bal ance, the set ting that will be used to store the mea sured
val ue can be cho sen from the pop-up menu at the top of the
dialog. Adjust camera set tings as de scribed in the sec tion on
preset white balance in the camera user’s man u al and click OK
to measure a value for white bal ance.
D2Xs (dialogs for other cameras may
diff er)
Choosing a Mode
D100 D70 series D40 seriesD50D80
The Measure White Balance… option is only available in P, S, A, and M modes.
Dust Off Ref Photo
D3 D300D2 series D200
D50D80 D40 seriesD70 series
Choose this option to take a reference photo for the Image Dust
Off option in Capture NX (available separately) and other Nikon
software. The dialog shown at right will be displayed. With the
camera lens ten centimeters (four inches) from a featureless
white object, frame the object so that it fi lls the viewfi nder and
click OK to record an Image Dust Off reference photo. See the
camera manual for details.
Edit Image Comment…
Selecting this option displays the dialog shown at right, where
you can enter a com ment or title for subsequent pho to graphs.
If the camera cur rent ly con nect ed is in the D1-se ries, enter a title
of thir ty-eight char ac ters or less and click OK. The title will be
used for all sub se quent pho to graphs taken while the camera is
con nect ed. When any other cam era is con nect ed, the title is
stored in the cam era as an im age com ment of thirty-six char-
ac ters or less which is ap pend ed to pho to graphs only when the
Attach comment to images box is checked.
D2Xs (dialogs for other cameras may
diff er)