Overview Appendices
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Using Camera Control Pro
Camera Control Pro 2
Custom Settings 2/4
Choose a Custom Settings bank (Custom Settings set) from the pop-up
menu at the top right corner or the Cus tom Settings dialog (see the camera
manual for details).
After making any changes to Custom Settings, click OK to save changes in
the camera Custom Settings bank and exit the Custom Settings dialog.
Custom Settings
Custom Settings can not be saved to a separate fi le. Clicking the Reset button resets all Custom
Settings to their default values.
Settings That Can Not Be Adjusted from the Custom Settings Window
The Custom Settings listed below can not be adjusted in the Custom Settings window.
• Mirror lock-up for CCD cleaning (D1-series Custom Setting 8) /Cleaning mirror up (D100 setup
menu): can only be ad just ed from the camera
• RAW (NEF) image save (D1-series Custom Setting 28): if this option is set to “0” (off ) when Camera
Control Pro is started, a message will be displayed. Clicking OK in this dialog sets Custom Setting
28 to “1” (uncompressed RAW image save enabled). Custom Setting 28 can only be returned to “0”
from the camera.
• ISO Auto (D100 Custom Setting 3) /ISO Boost (D1-series Custom Setting 31): can be ad just ed from
the Exposure 2 tab of the Camera Control Pro window.
• PC Shooting Mode (D1-series Custom Setting 30): this option is adjusted from the Me chan i cal tab
of the Camera Control Pro window.
• Tone Compensation (D1-series Custom Setting 24) /Color Mode (D1X/D1H Custom Setting 32) /
Hue Ad just ment (D1X/D1H Custom Setting 33) /Noise Reduction (D100 Custom Setting 4): can be
adjusted from the Processing tab of the Camera Control Pro window.