
Overview Appendices
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Using Camera Control Pro
Camera Control Pro 2
Custom Settings for D3, D2-Series, D300, and D200 Cameras
Custom Settings in each bank are divided into six groups. The group can be chosen
from the group menu or by clicking the Next and Prev. buttons.
Group menu
Prev./ Next
A descriptive comment can be added to the name of each Custom Settings bank.
Clicking Edit… displays an “Edit Custom Settings Comment” dialog, where the com-
ments for each bank can be edited. Click OK to copy the comments to the cam-
era. Comments can be up to twenty characters long and contain letters, numbers,
quotes, apostrophes, spaces, and any of the following characters: “,” “.” “!” “?” “#” “$”
“%” “&” “(” “)” “[” “]” “{” “}” “*” “+” “-” “/” “:” “;” “<” “=” “>” “_” and “@”.
Custom Settings 4/4