Using the Mail Send Function Section 2-4
2-3-2 Details of the Available Mail Triggers
2-4 Using the Mail Send Function
2-4-1 Procedure
Note The Ethernet Unit will be restarted when the settings data is transferred to the
CPU Bus Unit System Setup Area, so that the new settings are read and
Classification Trigger type
User-set Trigger when a specified word in the CPU Unit's I/O memory
becomes equal to a set value.
Trigger when a specified word in the CPU Unit's I/O memory
becomes greater than a set value.
Trigger when a specified word in the CPU Unit's I/O memory
becomes less than a set value.
Trigger when a specified bit in the CPU Unit's I/O memory goes
from OFF to ON.
Trigger when a specified bit in the CPU Unit's I/O memory goes
from ON to OFF.
Change in sta-
Trigger when an event is registered in the Ethernet Unit's error log.
Trigger when an error occurs in the Ethernet Unit.
Trigger when a fatal error occurs in the CPU Unit.
Trigger when a non-fatal error occurs in the CPU Unit.
Trigger when the CPU Unit's operating mode (RUN, MONITOR, or
PROGRAM) changes.
Periodic inter-
Trigger once every 10 minutes to 10 days (14,400 minutes).
1. Make the basic settings.
For details, refer to Section 2 Installation and Initial Setup in the Operation Manual Con-
struction of Networks.
2. Connect the CX-Programmer online and make the following settings in the Unit Setup
(CPU Bus Unit System Setup):
• SMTP Tab (required)
• POP Tab (when the Use POP before SMTP option is selected)
• DNS Tab (when using a host name)
• Mail Address Tab (Register one or two destination e-mail addresses.)
• Send Mail Tab (Register up to 8 send mail conditions and corresponding send data.)
3. Select Transfer to PLC from the Options Menu and click the Yes Button to transfer the
Unit Setup (CPU Bus Unit System Setup) to the CPU Unit. (The settings data will be
transferred to the CPU Bus Unit System Setup Area.)
4. When the preset condition is established, an e-mail will be sent automatically to the
specified destination address(es).
5. The Send Mail Status (words m and m+17 of the allocated DM Area words) can be
checked from the ladder program when necessary.
Note To preserve the simultaneity of the data when a data file is being sent as an
attachment, add a condition to write processes in the ladder program so that the
region of memory being converted to a data file is not overwritten from the ladder
program while memory is being accessed (mail is being sent). Bit 01 of word
n+17 in the allocated CIO Area words will be ON while the relevant memory is
being accessed.