Example Application Section 3-9
3-9 Example Application
3-9-1 Step 1. Create the I/O Table
Mount the Ethernet Unit in the CPU Rack or Expansion Rack, connect online
with the CX-Programmer or Programming Console, and create the I/O table.
3-9-2 Step 2. Make the Unit Setup Settings from the CX-Programmer
With the CX-Programmer connected online, select the Ethernet Unit in the
CX-Programmer's PLC I/O Table Window, right-click and select Unit Setup
from the popup menu. Make the following settings in the CPU Bus Unit Setup
Area from the CPU Bus Unit Setup Window.
Local Mail Address (SMTP
Initial POP3 Server
Settings (POP Tab)
• DNS Server IP Address Setting (DNS Tab, When Required)
Initial Settings for the Mail
Receive Function
Item name Example
Local mail address ETN21@omron.co.jp
Item name Example
Server specification type Host Name
Host name mail.omron.com
Port No. 110
Account Name omronID
Mail password omronPS
Server access interval 5 minutes
Item name Example
IP Address
Port No. 53
Retry timer 10
Item name Example
Posting Mail Address
Protection Setting
Protect using mail address Not selected
Mail address None
Receive Attached
File Setting
Receive file with specified
extension only
Not selected