Remote Mail Command Details Section 3-4
PARAMBackup (Parameter Area Backup)
Function Backs up (saves) the parameter area data in the CPU Unit's EM file memory
or a Memory Card mounted in the CPU Unit.
Command Format
Response Format
Subject: PARAMBackup
Notation Description Omission
Body: Para1:Destination folder
Specifying subdirectory OMRON in
the Memory Card:
Specifies the destination folder in
which the user program will be
• MEMCARD specifies the Memory
Card's root directory.
• EM specifies the EM file memory's
root directory.
Note If this parameter is omitted,
the default destination is the
Memory Card's root directory.
Can be omitted.
Para2:File name
Specifying USER.STD:
Specifies the name of the file in
which the parameter area data will
be saved.
Note If this parameter is omitted,
the default file name is
Can be omitted.
Para3:Overwrite=OK or NG
Allowing existing file to be overwrit-
Specifies whether or not an existing
file may be overwritten.
• To allow an existing file with the
same filename to be overwritten,
enter "Overwrite=OK".
• To prevent an existing file with the
same filename from being overwrit-
ten, enter "Overwrite=NG".
Note If this parameter is omitted,
overwriting is prohibited.
Can be omitted.
Attached file: None
Subject: Re:PARAMBackup
Response contents Description
Body: Response Code:@@@@ Refer to 3-4-2 Response List.
Response Status:@@@@ Refer to 3-4-2 Response List.
> Para1:Destination folder name Included only if this parameter was specified.
> Para2:File name Included only if this parameter was specified.
> Para3:Overwrite=OK or NG Included only if this parameter was specified.
Attached file: None